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Natalia Vale Asari (UFSC, Florianopolis, Brasil)

Emission lines are powerful indicators of the chemical composition of astrophysical objects in the Universe, in the Milky Way as well as in galaxies up to the highest redshifts. They also give clues on the populations of exciting stars and on the main sources of ionization of the nebulae where they are observed. Many fields of astronomy make use of information carried by emission lines. Although it has become popular to use ready-made codes to derive this information, a thorough understanding of the physics of nebulae is required to prevent misinterpretation of observational data. This workshop is intended for master and PhD students, post-docs, and researchers from Latin American countries who have an interest in nebular physics -- either for detailed studies of planetary nebulae, H II regions and other nebular objects, or for global studies of emission line galaxies -- and wish to master the concepts and tools in this area. Particular attention will be given to atomic data, which are the basis of any quantitative interpretation of emission line observations. Also, the determination of the stellar populations in emission-line galaxies and their relation with the nebular spectra will be discussed.

The workshop will consist of lectures and of hands-on activities to master the main aspects of nebular physics and the various techniques to interpret the observational data. The hands-on activities will use the PyNeb and pyCloudy libraries for nebular analysis and the STARLIGHT code for stellar population analysis. Participants will also organize one or two afternoon of activities with local schools and participate in an encounter with the locals after one or two open public conferences given by the lecturers.

This is the third edition of NEBULATOM. The first one took place in Choroni, Venezuela, in March 2013, and the second in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, in April 2015.


Registration deadline: 15 January  2017
List of participants and second announcement: 1 February 2017

Registration deadline: 27 January  2017 (postponed)
Second announcement: 1 February 2017
List of participants: 10 February 2017 (postponed)
Third announcement: 15 April 2017

School: 7-20 May 2017


Grazyna Stasinska (Paris Observatory, France)
Christophe Morisset (IA-UNAM Mexico DF, Mexico)
Claudio Mendoza (IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela)
Natalia Vale Asari (UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil)
Roberto Cid Fernandes (UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil)


Download the first announcement.

Download the second announcement.

Download the third announcement.


Download the poster.


[NEW] Videos of the lectures at available at Youtube.

Baia Formosa, RN, Brazil
Pousada La Bonita Rio R. Francisco Fernandes Freire, 361 - Centro - Baía Formosa, RN, 59194-000, Brazil. Phone number: +55 84 99172-9026

The school will take place in Baia Formosa, a small town near Natal on the Nort-East coast of Brazil. All the students and lecturers will be accommodated in Pousada La Bonita where all the academic activities will be held. Dinners (evening meals) will be taken at the Pousada as well. During their free time, between 1 and 5 pm, students may explore the nearby beaches and have lunch in the Pousada or on the beach.

Students will have to pay for the transportation from their home institution to either Natal or João Pessoa, from where a common transportation will be organized to Baia Formosa. We also have to inform that, due to the bad economical situation in Brazil, we have not been able to collect enough funding to pay for the lodging of the participants. Therefore, we will have to ask from all participants a contribution of about 300 USD to cover lodging, breakfast and evening meals from 7 May evening to 20 May morning.

If interested in attending the school, please use the Registration facility of this web page. Please arrange also for a recommendation letter to be sent via email to All the documents must be received by 27 January 2017. The total number of participants is limited to 20. The list of accepted candidates will be available on 10 February 2017. Please note that it is imperative that the students stay for the entire duration of the school.