Paola Andrea Buitrago Cadavid
(Universidad de Medellín)
Paola Buitrago and Jaime Hoyos
University of Medellin
Neutron stars are objects whose magnetic fields are highly intense in the range B ~ 10 ^ 14 Gauss. The evolution of the magnetic field in these objects is so far an open astrophysical problem. Therefore, in this work we will show the influence of the nonlinear Hall effect and the linear ohmic effect on this evolution. The magnetic Reynolds number in this system controls the realtive importance and timescales of these effects, thus, in ranges where the Hall convective effect is dominant the fluid dynamics is strongly nonlinear. Therefore, the nonlinear dynamics study require for its solution the implementation of numerical methods. The Hall effect causes a mix of the linear Ohmic modes, thus, we calculate analitically the linear Ohmic modes and discuss the evolution of the magnetic field caused by the single Ohmic effect. This analysis is important in order to a further understanding of the nonlinear mix of the linear modess caused by the Hall effect.
Primary authors
Jaime Humberto Hoyos Barrios
(Universidad de Medellín)
Paola Andrea Buitrago Cadavid
(Universidad de Medellín)