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Welcome to the first meeting of the GSC on e-Health. This activity aims to offer the opportunity of knowing different experiences related to e-Health in the world, contributing and sharing knowledge and exploring the possibility of collaboration.

The development and fostering of Global Science Communities is the major activity of MAGIC (Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities, a project  lead by RedCLARA with partners from Latin America, Europe, the Caribbean, West and Central Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia-Pacific.

MAGIC is being implemented by a consortium of Regional Education & research networks (RENs) and National R&E networks (NRENs) from 20 countries and regions around the world.

The consortium was established to work together to develop advanced technology tools and a software platform that will allow research and education resources, applications, and other knowledge sharing resources, developed and owned by the more developed countries, to be available and shared by less developed countries and regions.


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