1–4 Aug 2017
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Testing the opacities using the SED variability of chemically peculiar stars

2 Aug 2017, 14:40
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI, USA

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI, USA

2350 Business Court, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA
Contributed talks Atomic Opacities


Prof. Jiri Krticka (Masaryk University)


Opacity variation across the stellar surface is the key aspect of the spectral energy distribution (SED) variability in chemically peculiar stars. The opacity variations are caused by the presence of surface spots with enhanced (or depleted) abundance of individual elements. Simulations of the SED variability of chemically peculiar stars with abundances derived from Doppler mapping provide a detailed test of the continuum (bound-free) and line opacities in the model atmospheres. The effect of opacities on the SED is most pronounced in the ultraviolet region. We simulate the ultraviolet and visual SED variability of selected chemically peculiar stars using model atmospheres calculated for actual surface abundances and compare the predicted SED with observational results. We show that the simulations can reliably predict the observed SED and its variability provided that complete bound-free and bound-bound opacities are used. Therefore, the variability of chemically peculiar stars may serve as a test of opacities included in model atmospheres.

Primary author

Prof. Jiri Krticka (Masaryk University)


Dr Juraj Zverko (Tatranska Lomnica) Mr Milan Prvak (Masaryk University) Dr Theresa Lueftinger (University of Vienna) Prof. Zdenek Mikulasek (Masaryk University)

Presentation materials