The Global Conference on Remote Instrumentation community in the MAGIC project's main purpose is to find scientific equipment operating in remote manipulation through Internet in collaborative scientific applications to solve social problems as in the health sector.

The fundamental aim of the community is to promote the use of expensive equipment as well as take advantage of academic experts in these areas to form human personnel in remote parts of the world.

The Community of Remote Instrumentation initiates its activities with a Global Conference based on Remote Instrumentation applied to health.

The Webinar on Remote Instrumentation for Medical Applications intends:
• to share the work and experiences of practitioners from around the world who conduct aspects of their medical or healthcare practice using remote instruments.
• that participants will have a better understanding of what is possible in their own institutions and countries.
• professional links and connections will be made and
• that practitioners will seek and suggest ways to collaborate in order to improve healthcare delivery by sharing instruments remotely.