In 1963 Roy Kerr discovered their famous solution to the Einstein field equations describing a spinning black hole. One year later, Newman and Janis demonstrated another form to derive this solution by making a complex transformation to the Schwarzschild solution. Since then, there is an increasing interest in generating new solutions from a prescribed seed using the original Newman and Janis ideas.
Nowadays, the discussion about how Newman-Janis Ansatz (NJA, as it is known today) works remain open to research. In 2016, one of us and H. Quevedo asked themselves if conformal symmetry prevails after using this formalism. The answer was no for a conformastatic seed.
In the spirit of continuing this research, we present four families of solutions to the Einstein field equations describing imperfect rotating fluids generated by using the NJA. The main physical properties of the solutions are still under study.