6 September 2016 to 11 October 2016
GMT timezone

> Call for Presentations

► Download the call in PDF

The objective of the four initial Grand Rounds (similar to a medical specialist panel, presenting cases) is to share global initiatives from each one of following themes:
• eHealth (Health informatics, Telemedicine and Telehealth)
• Cardiology
• Standards for Telemedicine and Health Informatics
• Child and Adolescent Health

However, MAGIC is open to include other topics.

The MAGIC project also hopes that as a result of these initial Grand Rounds, there will be increased interest in this type of global sharing and in becoming part of the eHealth GSC.

Session Duration: 2 hours

Presenters: Ideally professionals or specialists engaged in one of the above mentioned fields; a maximum of three (3) per thematic are will be selected for each thematic area.

Language: The session will be conducted in English

Expected Audience:  Global Science Community (GSC) participants; global RENs and NRENs; national, regional and international health organizations, teaching institutions, health communities and specialists, health-related list servs and others identified by existing and new regions.

Presentation Duration: 15 minutes

Next Step Discussion: There will be a final plenary Q&A for all presenters at the end. This discussion will consider the existing presentations, but the specialist presenters will help make recommendations for additional Grand Round topics and additional sessions.

Presentation Guidelines: Presenters will have 15 minutes to provide an overview about the national or regional scenario as it relates to the health specialties identified. They should include current projects or issues that are significantly impacting the nation/region. Presentations should consider the application of Telemedicine, Telehealth, eHealth in this specialty within their own environment, taking into consideration issues such as reliable connectivity, provision of or access to specialty instrumentation, applications or services.

Presentations highlighting new or unique experiences, procedures, results, resources, research etc. are encouraged

As per the intention of MAGIC’s Global Science Communities, areas of potential collaboration should also be identified – areas where the presenting country can provide certain services or applications, and areas where the presenting country requires certain specialist services or applications.

Certification: Certificates will be awarded to the selected presenters by RedCLARA under the MAGIC project.

Submissions: The following must be submitted to the MAGIC team by July 12 July 31st, 2016. The link to submit your abstract is: https://eventos.redclara.net/indico/event/713/call-for-abstracts/
• Abstract of 500 words describing the proposed presentation
• Summary of significant qualifications/experience of the professional background of the presenter(s) - maximum 500 words. (Please do not submit CVs)
Approval of presenters: July 30, 2016

Technical requirements: The virtual session will be conducted by web conference, using the platform 'Colaboratorio' used by the MAGIC project.
Link to the event: http://vcespresso.redclara.net/vc/ehealth
To join the session it is needed:
- Internet connection
- A headset  and a web camera to interact
- Use Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari to access the videoconference room.
- Activate  Flash and Java.

• September,  6th - eHealth (Health informatics, Telemedicine and Telehealth),
• September, 13th - Cardiology,
• September, 20th - Standards for Telemedicine and Health Informatics,
• September, 27th - Child and Adolescent Health.

Technical tests will be made with all the presenters the week before their Grand Round. All presenters will be expected to participate in the tests,

Time: 13:00 (UTC)
Check the time for other cities at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MAGIC+project+-+e-Health+Grand+Rounds&iso=20160810T13&p1=1440&ah=2