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Access to academic production becomes an essential element for social development since it allows knowing research and technologies, to develop new studies based on existing knowledge and to act on social reality consistently. Tedesco (2000) points out those digital technologies make possible to democratize the production of knowledge as favors the dissemination of knowledge beyond political, social and economic boundaries.

In this respect, Open Sciences (OS) and Open Access (OA) initiatives represent key elements for both significant producing changes in scholarly communication and reducing the problems of developing countries. The OS refers to the availability and use of scientific data, methodologies and research results that allows increasing the transparency, openness and reproducibility of science. The OA refers to the free availability and use of scientific production is erasing the economic barriers to access to information, allowing people to access the costs of reading, downloading, distributing and using the materials (Budapest 2002. Bethesd 2003 and Berlin 2003).  The OA attenuates the economic and infrastructure limitations and allows researchers to participate in networks of knowledge and increase the impact of LAC countries in the global agenda. In the same way, the OA, promotes the demarcation of the academic production, because it allows the diversification of the nodes of scientific production and the academic communications (Peter Suber, 2015).

Both OS and OA are valuable tools to share, collaborate and create knowledge. They are key elements in understanding the distribution and production of scientific knowledge in a collaborative and coordinated way between academics and institutions (Melero R and Hernández San Miguel, J, 2014, Arza, Fressoli, Sebastian, 2017; Lain, 2017).

To discuss the potentialities and limitations of Open Access and Open Science in scientific production as a strategy to achieve the development of equitable, cooperative knowledge and quality. Thus, the purpose of the activity is to open a debate on different positions on Open Science (OS) and Open Access (OA) in order to identify their potentialities, their the barriers in scientific practices and, in particular, to build possible joint solutions to promote the OS and OA as a tool that supports the democratization of access and production of knowledge.


• Ernest Abada, Professor Faculty of bilbioteconomy and documentation, University of Barcelona: “Policies to promote open access: differences between Europe and Latin America".
• Ricardo Hartley, Faculty of Health Sciences, Central University of Chile: “Beyond the tructure: education as a pillar of open science”
• Ignasi Labastida, responsible for the Office of Knowledge Dissemination and the Research Support Unit of the Resource Center for Learning and Research, University of Barcelona: "Preparing Research Institutions to Adopt Open Science Practices and Principles".
• Silvia Nakano, National Director of Physical Resources of Science and Technology, MINCyT: “Policies and strategies to spread Open Access in Latin America. The case of Argentina”


Simone Belli / Valeria Santorno Lamelas


European Comission EULAC Focus European Comission


América Latina

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